Organisations and Headquarters MCQ Test 1

Where is the Headquarter of UNESCO located?

PPSC Senior Assistant 2014

Where is the headquarter for Northern Command of Indian Army located?

PPSC Senior Assistant (Accounts) 2015

Where was the Headquarter of East India Company in Bengal?

Chandigarh police Driver 2016

Where is the Headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) located?

Chandigarh police Driver 2016

Where is the headquarter of National Remote Sensing Center located?

PUDA Assistant Town Planner 2013

Where is the Headquarter of NCC in India?

PPSC District Sainik Welfare Officer 2016

Where is the Headquarter of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation) located?

PPSC Joint Director & Deputy Director 2020

Where is the headquarter of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) located?

PPSC Lecturer Dyeing & Printing 2018

International Information for Agriculture Sciences and Technology (AGRIS) has its headquarter at:

PPSC Lecturer Library Science 2017

The Headquarter of the ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (ICAR-IISWC) is located at:

PPSC Lecturer Physics 2017

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